A flexible frequency support system in Sweden

Renewmic and KACO new energy partner in realizing a battery storage system to stabilize the grid

More and more green energy generation systems such as solar, wind and hydropower are being deployed. The fluctuation in the generation leads to instabilities in the frequency of the public grid. The demand of frequency support is increasing steadily. Especially in Sweden, with a high penetration of renewable energy and electric vehicles, the demand of those frequency-support-systems is rising. Therefore, the market for Frequency Containment Reserve (FCR) has been established, which enables energy storage providers to unlock additional revenue streams with frequency support services. Renewmic AB has recognized this potential and decided to take action.

Innovative Energy Storage System Supports Sweden's National Grid

Today, one of the largest string-based energy storage systems in Sweden supports the national grid frequency. The project outside of Västerås consists of Renewmic’s advanced energy management system, together with 37 blueplanet gridsave 92.0 TL3-S battery inverters from KACO new energy, each one connected to a second-live battery of Epiroc. The total system power is 3.4 MW. The project planning and execution has been with Renewmic AB.


“Unique about this FCR project is the powerful and flexible control structure implemented by Renewmic. We can individually control up to 64 battery inverters, each connected with one Epiroc second-live battery, fully independent from each other. This enables us to quickly react to changes and to easily expand the system at a later stage. In addition, the modularity simplifies mounting, commissioning and serviceability of the system. We are very happy with the blueplanet gridsave battery inverters provided by KACO new energy. The system is up and running already and fully lives up to the expectations”.

- Björn Persson, CEO & Founder of Renewmic


Efficient Power Electronics Optimize Battery Inverter Performance

KACO new energy’s blueplanet gridsave 92.0 TL3-S are the perfect fit for the FCR market. Based on highly efficient silicon carbide power electronics, financial losses due to inefficient battery inverters can be avoided. Furthermore, the response time of the inverters of approx. 20 milliseconds is very fast. This enables a quick reaction to frequency changes. Moreover, the blueplanet gridsave 92.0 TL3-S battery inverters come with a high number of integrated features: They are equipped with DC fuse, Precharge Unit, DC-Load Relay on plus and negative side, as well as DC-Residual-Current Monitoring. This saves additional efforts in system design, purchasing, warehousing, mounting and servicing of equipment.


“The demand for grid support services is increasing steadily. More and more of those energy storage systems utilize string inverters. They’ve proven themselves to have several advantages compared to larger central inverters, especially when it comes to serviceability and flexibility. Soon, even very large battery storage systems will be built with string inverters”

- Alexander Plonka, Product Manager and Sales Representative at KACO new energy.


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